
Showing posts from October, 2023

Education 👩‍🏫📚

  Education has a very important place in a person's life. Education is the thing that makes us a decent human being and contributes to the progress of society. We not only learn something new through education ,but it also transfers the knowledge of previous generation to the new generation.👩‍🏫       In this way we can say that education is very important for the progress of an individual as well as the whole society.📚                                                                Education changes people's thinking by bringing positive thought and eliminates negative thought. Education makes us more civilized and better human being. It helps us in achieving a better position and job in the society.The importance of education has increased a lot in today's time.      Therefore, there is a need to give him a new direction.Education is a very necessary tool for the bring future of all of us.It helps in the overall development of a person because we can acquire knowledge,

My hobby- reading book 📚

  My hobby is reading.I love to read books in my free time. I feel that reading is a great hobby. Apart from giving pleasure, it also enhances our knowledge. Reading is very benefical as well as an essential activity that helps in skill-building.📚 Reading a good book gives us joy as well as it also gives experience to live life smoothly.    One of the best benefits us with ideas collection, make us familior with different types of writing formats, helps us in improving our communication skills, and also makes it fluent.    It is often said that a person who has reading habits,he or she  never feels bored and lonely. However, if he or she feels bored,they open their magical books and then they are again filled with joy  and happiness. Book  make my life lively.📚❤️

My country 🇱🇰

  Sri lanaka is my country. It is one of the most beautiful island in the world. Sri lanka is called "The pearl of the Indian ocean".The capital of Sri Lanka is Sri Jayawardanapura kotte.Colombo is its business center.🇱🇰                                                           Sri lanka is tropical zone country. Which is closer to the equator. My country is also known as an agricultural and a developing country. It has a population of more than twenty million people. My country is divided into nine provinces and twenty-five districts.            There are many ethnic groups living in Sri Lanka,peacefully and cooperatively. Sinhalese, Tamils, Muslims, and Burghers are the main races in my country.   Rice is considered as the staple food and a main crop in  Sri Lanka. Garments,tea, rubber, coconut, spices and gems are the leading exports of my country. It gained independence from the British in nineteen forty- eight.           Sri Lanka is one of the most attractive tourists

Nature 🌴🌺🦋

      Nature is a beautiful creation of God.It is a precious gift to all of us living on Earth .🌏 Nature is everything around us.      It provides the beauty to our environment. Without the amazing gifts of nature the human life would have dull and  meaningless.      Nature provide us with resources like air,water and sunlight.Animals,plants,birds etc.  are also part of the beautiful nature.Nature help us to live a healthy life. It gives us basic need like and shelter. Nature has variety of  beautiful flowers, colourful fish, rivers, skies, land, seas, mountains, and  many more things. 🌴                                  We must not damage these beautiful assets of nature.It is our responsibility to keep the nature clean and protect from any harm.Nature is like a mother who nourishes us and protect us from harms.  🦋 Hence it is  our duty to protect nature from problems like deforestation, pollution, global warming etc. If we protect nature today then mother  nature will

My Free Time 🤗👩‍🏫

  I spend my free time by doing different activities.👩‍🏫  I help my mother with cooking and washing.🍮️I enjoy preparing  omelet and coconut sambol.I usually read novels 📚 when I am free. Sometimes, I watch movies on the youtube and listen to music 🎶.        I help my father to clean the garden during my free time, specially during the weekend.I never forget to play with my little puppy, whenever I am free.

Sigiriya ✨️

Sigiriya is a historical place and one of the wonders in the world. It is listed as the world heritage site by the  UNESCO. Sigiriya is situated 10 miles of Dambulla in the district of Matale.It is in the Center Province of Sri Lanka.Sigiriya is considered as the oldest planned city with a fortress of king Kashyapa.👑️ King Kashyapa built his place on the top of a steep rock of 600 feet of height for his security.       He created garden complex around the place.There are water fountains, mirror wall,stircases and world famous " Sigiri frescose"And also water moats,and mud moats for the defense of the fortress. How ever the story of Sigiriya is not so happy one. Prince Kashyapa killed his father king Dathusena with the help of Senapathi. He tried to kill his brother Moggallana and he was fortunate flee to India.So Kashyapa was in constant fear of his brother's attack.       And also subjects of Anuradhapura kindom did not respect new king, because he did a foul muder of h

My Favourite Person 🤱👸

 ( My mother )🤱💞          The most favourite person in my life, is my mother.👸She does all the things for me. She is very beautiful,active and caring.And also she is a kind hearted woman.   My mother is a house wife. I love and respect her very much. I think my mother is the best mother in the world .🤱She helps me in studies.In free time, my mother comes to play with me and sometimes sings with me.      She is a strong woman in life,and very supportive to my father.She never complains for hardships in life💞. My mother always guides me for better future and inspires me to become a good citizen.      My mother always supports me in my daily needs and also she loves me very much.👸💞My mother advises me to appreciate this life as a gift of nature and enjoys it. I wish her long and healthy life. 🌏💞👸

  My best intimate... 😘❤️      

        "Friendship is not about who come first but           obout who never goes"                                         The best listener I have ever had in my life is my friend. He came in to my life by accident but he is now my brother...😘   Although  i have met many different friends on different occasions since i was a child, he was not as understanding as i was his name is Isuru.😇            He first met me at my aunt's house. The first time i saw him, i thought he was not as proud as he was.😏                        But after talking to him and befriending him, I could not be a better persin than him. I always thought i had met someone like me. There has never been a happier day in my life than that.                                              I'm glad he had the same ideas as me. The events that have happened to both of us are always the same. He was the summary of my story style...🤗. I love spending time with him.             I never forget to call him

Importance Of Water 💦

        Water is the one of the most important natural resources. Water plays an important role in our daily life.💦            It's a gift by nature.Earth is the only planet where we found water. Life without water is imposible to survive in this world.🌏 For daily survival, the human body requires water.       Water is important for day to day activities like watering plants, bathing, cleaning, washing, cooking etc.🏊🚿 Without water we will die. 70% surface of our planet is covered with water but all this water is not fit for our daily use.only a very small of all water is usable.                                              We got water from rivers,lakes ,oceans etc. But humans are polluting all there water bodies at a  great level. So ,we need to understand the importance of water.We must use water very carefully. We also need to spread  awareness to save water.💦 

My Favourite Book 📖️..

I have read many books. Among them  Madol Duwa is the most favourite book.📖️ This book was written by  Martin Wickramasinghe.🖋️  It tells about the rural life of southern Sri Lanka. There are two main characters. They are Upali and Jinna.👬 They are very playpul. At last they run away from the house and found an island called Madol Duwa.It is surrounded by a river.         They cultivated in the island and succeeded their lives. I like to read it again and again.📚💞

Last day in my school life..💞

My last day at school is one the most refreshing memories that I cherish till today. I was leaving the secure portals of my school where I had spent twelve cherishing years of my life. Time has just flown! It seemed that I had just joined school the other day and now it was time to finally say good-bye to my school life.  I was sad to leave school, but at the same time was excited to meet new challenges in life of me. The pictures of my Principal, teachers, friends, classroom, library, the school anthem, sports day ceremony, prize distribution day, the examination hall, the games room, the staff room was all just flashing through my mind. Life was going to change once and for all! On the last day of school I remember my mother waking me up at 7:00 am in the morning to get ready to walk down my school premises one last time. The previous day, a notice was sent to the classroom mentioning about a passing out ceremony.  On listening to the notice a deep sadness came over me and my batch m

Dream I Had..

  That day I went to bed earlier than usual. At the end of a tiring day, I fell asleep in bed. For a moment I was getting ready to go to Kandy Lake with my family. Then all of us went to the Nuwara Wewa, sent kites there, played there a lot and went down to the water to bathe. After the shower, my brother and I went to the tank bund to see the contents of the tank and we stayed there for a long time. Unexpectedly, a group of people came to the place where the two of us were and stabbed the younger brother and left immediately Unable to imagine what had happened, I hugged my brother who was lying on the floor. When I saw my brother lying in the middle of a pool of blood, I cried out loud, asking someone to come and save my brother. I shouted as loud as I could, hugged him and cried. I begged him not to leave me. No one heard my voice. No matter how much I cried, no one heard it. I tried to take him away but to no avail. By then my brother had left me. Suddenly I was startled and stood u

Day In Matale

  Our family members decided to travel to the matale because can enjoy the beauty of the landscapes and also explore the heritage of the town. From temples to exploring the hiking trails, there is a long list of attractions which cannot be missed while at this region. And we discussed a day to travel matale . In the morning we all packed our bags for travel to matale After a long travel we finally comes to matale we decided to travel firstly to muthuamman temple that’s was so beautiful place and quiet place we warship the god.  All the people who came to travel Matale firstly travels to this temple for warship god. After visit there we started to travel matale riveston that’s was the most beautiful please in there we parked our vehicles and started to climb the riverston mountain.  When we climb little bit upper we fill so cold because upper wind is so higher. We climbed the top of mountain finally. In there nature is so beautiful we can se moragahakanda tank also.  W

My Pet ..🐶

   I  like animals a lot. So i have a little pet puppy too. It name is Rocky       I remember  today as the first day Rocky  was first brought home. Like a cotton ball. I picked it up with my hands. I have never been happier ...  Since then i have been spending the day with Rocky and enjoying playing with him regularly....  Rocky Spinach is a cute puppy. Mom loves Rocky  move than i do. Rocky  perfers to lie down and sleep on the floor.. .🐶 Rocky ,who is waiting for me when i'm not home, is very happy to see me. Sometimes it falls to the ground and other times it jumps on the body and bathes his whole body with saliva... Some days i work one by one to make myself angry but no matter what action i do i love my pet puppy rocky  so much.... 🤗🐶

Rain 💦❤️

        Rain💦❤️ Rain has  been a passion of mine sice i was a kid. No matter how old i'am i still love the rain a lot. I still arave the fresh smell of dust coming from the ground as soon as it starts raining...💨💦 And i made various connections with the rain🤗💦 Sometimes i stare at the rain like a baby and other times i really like to jump in the rain talking to the rain..🤗❤️ Also, I like to eat wet ice cream in the rain and love to play in the rain..💦🤗 However, I will  never lost touch with the rain..💦🤗❤️